More asymptomatic patients dying, says virologist

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More Covid-19 patients, initially categorised as asymptomatic, are succumbing to the virus than those who show symptoms right from the start, reported Times of India quoting a top virologist.

Dr. V Ravi, who is also a member of Karnataka’s Covid Technical Advisory Group said one reason is that those with acute symptoms immediately seek medical help and are therefore safe, while those who develop symptoms, later on, suffer the most.

“It’s common sense,” said Dr. Ravi. “Symptoms worsen between Day 5 and Day 9 of infection, which is why monitoring home isolated patients is so important. These people struggle immensely when they suddenly develop symptoms which worsen rapidly as against those who are symptomatic from the beginning.”

Quoting another expert, TOI reported that most of those who die at home and are brought dead to the hospital, are those who had no tell-tale symptoms initially. The doctor said these people would not have sought treatment at the right time when symptoms showed up and began to worsen. He said this could be out of personal ignorance or lack of hospital beds.

“There is no efficient home monitoring system to check on people who are infected,” the expert told TOI.

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