Divisional Commissioner Pandurang K. Pole on Monday said that all stranded Jammu-bound trucks will be cleared by tonight.
Div Com Pole said that all the stranded Jammu-bound trucks will be cleared by tonight.”46,000 goods laden trucks including 29000 apple trucks have been sent out of Kashmir since September 01,” he tweeted.
The tweet further read: “The claim made by certain Fruit growers association on the halting of fruit trucks is half truth and natural reasons are hindering traffic.”
We have difficulties in the movement of traffic on the highway due to rains and resultant shooting stones which is beyond human control, it read.
“Normally apple production in Kashmir is 17 metric ton but due to abundant rainfall, there has been a bumper crop and will cross 21 metric ton,” he said in the tweet.
He appealed to drivers plying with empty vehicles to use alternate Mughal Road to lessen the burden on Srinagar-Jammu National Highway.